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Berbagi SimCity BuildIt MOD APK+DATA Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Simcity buildlt adalah sebuah game yang di buat oleh EA games yang pasti semunya pasti sudah tidah asing lagi dengan nama EA, itu karena EA adalah perusahaan developer game yang besar,terbaik dan mempunyai banyak pengalaman.
karena EA sudah ada sejak Handphone saya masih menggunakan sistem java buat jalanin sebuah game betul ga tuh? Kalo soal game playnya Simcity buildt ini kita disuruh jadi seorang gubernur dan membangung sebuah kota dimana kotanya sangat sepi menjadi kota besar, kota metropolitan.
WELCOME MAYOR : We’re glad to have you on board. Your first order of business – create your own gorgeous, unique city that has citizens vying to move in. But remember, the larger your city gets, the more needs your citizens have. This is an all-new SimCity game – re-imagined for mobile.
BUILD YOUR CITY : With countless buildings and vivid, 3D-quality graphics, this is the most realistic city builder on mobile. Strategically place buildings to keep the taxes flowing and yourci
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degrees as you manage your city on the go – both online and offline.
FLEX YOUR POWER : Create resources with friends and other cities. Unlock exclusive buildings like Big Ben and The Arc de Triomphe, or unleash natural (and not so natural) disasters.
KEEP YOUR CITIZENS HAPPY : Solve real city challenges like traffic, fires, and pollution. Balance services like power and entertainment to give your citizens what they need. Complete fun challenges to specialize your city and shape society.
Watch your city come to life – night and day.
Hello Mayor! Your leadership skills are really paying off. Thanks to all your great feedback, we were able to make some exciting improvements.
Upgrades include : Better Facebook connect experience, Easier game saves for multi-device play, Smoother trading in the Global Market, Other behind-the-scenes fixes to keep your city in top shape, Thanks for playing SimCity BuildIt.
Screenshot SimCity BuildIt MOD APK DATA
SimCity BuildIt MOD APK DATA
SimCity BuildIt MOD APK DATA
SimCity BuildIt MOD APK DATA
Informasi mod apk data:
Ukuran: 86,78 mb
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